Supporting the Step Forward Foundation

We recently acquired a donation of furniture and tech from Econ One Research Inc. in Los Angeles and facilitated that donation to our nonprofit partner, The Step Forward Foundation, which has now completely furnished their office space with donated items we’ve delivered and assembled for their team — including a new expansion office so they can serve even more community members! One aspect of working with us at reWerk is that we’ll work with our nonprofits to assemble furniture for them in addition to delivering the donated items.

The Step Forward Foundation empowers immigrants to take the next step forward in their lives by providing pro bono legal advice and representation. They do an incredibly important job of helping survivors process their trauma, empower and uplift people as they work toward their healing journey and regain control of their lives. We’re grateful for their work and honored to support them.

Learn more about how you can get involved with donating high quality tech, furniture or funds to reWerk here, so we can continue to support changemakers like The Step Forward Foundation for years to come!


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